
Individual, Adolescent, Couples and Family Counselling.

Medicare rebates available

Mental Health Social Worker

Face to face counselling in Glebe

Zoom available for all clients including interstate and international clients


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Workshops Seminars

Death and Dying in Conversation ( photo above) with Jean Kittson and Linda Hansen executive Officer Palliative Care NSW


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Professional Supervision

Clinical supervision for Social Workers

Supervision for health care professionals, counsellors, pastoral care workers and those who work in the death and dying industry

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You feel your best when you are the real you

Which makes for more love and less fear


Living an authentic life includes knowing who you, managing your vulnerabilities and doing your bliss. So often in this busy world we lose confidence in who we are and what we are doing. There are some simple skills that you can learn to help reclaim confidence in who you are, in your relationships with loved ones, your children, friends and colleagues.

If you are reading this you are ready to start the journey to knowing yourself better and accepting who you are with compassion and kindness today.







To start the journey today for yourself or your organisation

contact -  [email protected]